February Energy Update

Hiya Traveller,

Coooeee from the Rainforest!  

As I sit here in The Portal, placing the pieces of the past into their designated energy boxes, and clearing the way for all that wants to come through me in the year ahead… I am also filled with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude in the memory of each person that has taken a trip with me here; so strong that it’s pulled me to finally write this love letter to you!

I have also uploaded the first Collective Energy Reading for 2024 for you. I know there are important messages here for those that tune in, drawing this energy down felt so very…. necessary.


This year has been a slow start for me as I work through the personal, and collective repair and recovery energies after Cyclone Jasper hit the town I live in on my Birthday, December 13th last year.

This planet speaks in many ways, and the Universe moves through all its lifeforms… I’ve noticed so many energy patters in the way people talk about the weather through my life, and being in the heart of this natural disaster gave me access to new codes for humanity. It sounds like a bold announcement, but it kinda looks and feels like small talk… you can learn so much from the seemingly insignificant moments.

So I’ve decided now rather than feel bitterness on the topic and avoid engaging with others, that I will continue to talk to people about the weather, [even when their fears & conditioning try to take charge] and I can simply add my read on the energy also. I feel like that is more aligned with what we want to know… and it feels more authentic for me to engage this way. Maybe you can try it out too, take the weather report as serious as your spiritual awakening journey. For me, it is making small talk not just tolerable, but appetising. Yum!


The complete Tiny Tarot Time Series is now fully ALIVE! ALL the cards of the Tarot have now been read and accounted for, one by one, free for you on my YouTube channel. These mini meditations are made for you to enJOY the full scope of the story of Self-actualisation to be found in the journey of the Major and Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot. I did not expect them to kick my ass in the way they have. Hopefully you won’t notice.

In this series, I read the interpretation, keywords and key phrases from a well known Tarot Bible by S Bartlet plus I’ve channelled additional timeless messages at the end. They are all quite quick, no more than 7 minutes at their peak, and are designed for daily consumption, audio and visual. We learn that which we repeatedly…. hear? see? absorb? So go look, ok?

The cards are beckoning for your attention, and it is my intention that they re-introduce you to parts of yourself that only you can find in your own energy readings. As you focus on the image and feel the frequency of my voice, and soundtrack; I hope you’re able to accept new sparks of awareness, that illuminate the shadowy pockets of your psyche that you may be avoiding, dismissing and leaving unattended in your daily interactions.

It’s all of us, and we all do it, and I’m here with you.

When you approach shadow work in this way, you may find like I have, that Life is a Detox and we’re all just clearing and cleaning up along the way, trying not to make too much of a mess, finding and guiding one another back to Source. Home. This Tiny Tarot Time playlist is a resource I have been looking for online for years, and it’s just the beginning of the tools I will be creating to help you up your own reading game and get to know the keys of the Tarot in a personal way.


Thanks for joining me!

This content was shared with the intention to help you enJOY your Journey more in this now moment, and to offer you support to keep making the most of this one precious life we share.

*spoiler alert* my goal is always to encourage your own ever changing self inquiry and meditation practise that brings you home each day.

I welcome you to reach out, with any curiosities, discoveries and learnings you want to acknowledge along the way.

There’s even more for you here, explore my free downloads and online shop to find what feels good to you.

I am with you every step of the way…

With Love, Jaye